» LINKS (in inglese)

» Scirus - un motore di ricerca per informazioni scientifiche (da riviste, congressi, ecc.)
» Riviste mediche e libri non a pagamento (gratis)
» Biblioteca Nazionale di Medicina (PubMed) & Notizie di medicina dall' agenzia Reuters
» I miei siti preferiti
Training online sul Rotablator - 2010
» Resoconti dei + importanti Congressi del 2012 (JIM)
» Linee guida
» Diapositive mediche in powerpoint su argomenti di Cardiologia Interventistica
» Riviste cardiologiche su Internet (in ordine alfabetico)
» Ricerche cliniche
» Istituti e Centri di Ricerca
» Società Cardiologiche
» Risorse educative per i medici
» Siti educativi di Cardiologia e Medicina
» Emostasi e Trombosi
» Risonanaza Magnetica e TAC del cuore
» Anatomia
» Libri gratis
» Statistica
» Dizionario dei Termini Medici
» Produttori e Distributori di Materiali per la Cardiologia
» Varie


a free search engine that locates scientific information on the Internet.
Scirus delivers relevant search results because it focuses on scientific information only, indexes complete documents, searches the whole Web including access-controlled sites, and reads non-text files like PDF. At this stage Scirus covers more than 60 million science related pages from the Web as well as membership sources such as ScienceDirect, MEDLINE on BioMedNet, Beilstein on ChemWeb and Neuroscion. This is only the beginning - Scirus aims to include more databases in the near future. 

National Library of Medicine, USA
Free, searchable access to MedLine and other indexes of the journal archive of the National Library of Medicine. Some full-text articles available, depending on policies of the original publishers. An essential literature-search tool. Also has excellent patient education material (MEDLINEplus), a patient-oriented national database of clinical trials, links to molecular biology databases of DNA/protein sequence and 3-D structure data, and access to other NLM databases. Highly recommended.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, lists of trials, patient education

Reuters Health Information Services
Free registration allows online access to news stories about medicine, health, and science, including Reuters Medical News for physicians and Health eLine for consumers. Also offers a searchable drug database.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, news, internal search engine

My Preferites 

Largest cardiology site on the web for clinical materials. An Elsevier flagship, featuring 12 major journals with abstracts, full text, and PDF formats. Superb database of clinical trials in cardiology, a unique collection of proceedings abstracts, and the Heart Surgery Forum discussion group as HTML pages.
Access: Registration with fee
Features: discussion forum, large on-line medical database, lists of trials, news

Impressive new site includes a database of clinical trials on interventional procedures, up-to-date information on new 510(k) and PMA approvals in interventional cardiology and interventional vascular medicine (from FDA databases), extensive product information, reports on important presentations made at major meetings, literature reviews, and a number of multimedia sections. Audio-based case studies with video animations of the findings from imaging studies, a series of presentations with a self-assessment exam section, downloadable slides, and much more. Matrix-style navigation lets users search either by clinical topic or by type of presentation. This site is "an outgrowth of the annual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) conference, which is sponsored by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation." An international contributing faculty oversees the content.
Access: Free with registration
Features: case studies, large on-line medical database, lists of trials, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, news, internal search engine

Medscape Cardiology
Searchable medical database with many cardiology pages. Includes drug information, summaries of past conferences, interactive educational features, treatment guidelines, information on managed care, and links to useful references including journals and article, physicians, and a trials database. Some functions and full text requires registration, which is free. A lot of material.
Access: Free with registration
Features: cme, case studies, discussion forum, free full text articles, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, news, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms, email to users
Article Archive
Browse the most current cardiology articles.
theheart.org Cardiology online
Editor-in-chief: Eric Topol MD - The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
Access: Free with registration
Features: theheart.org offers a dynamic and comprehensive communication tool respecting the criteria set forth by the community of interventional cardiologists. It benefits from a number of modules in order to offer members and visitors alike a profusion of previously non-existent functions in this field: directories, discussion groups, information groups, information and news, access to search engines, databases,  CME. etc
Links to external websites in cardiology
Underused features of www.theheart.org 
Did you know that there are close to 400 links to external websites in cardiology and its related specialties, all available to you through a searchable database? And that we have REVIEWED each of these websites in detail, so that you will have a good idea of what is to be found there?
To see this wealth of web-based specialist information, go to Services in the left menu, and then click "WEBLINKS". The next screen displays the search interface. If you do not enter any filters and simply click the "Search" button, you will get a full list of all external links. Each link is described by relevant information - free access or not, what type of content is found there, which organization created the site, whether there are multimedia features, discussion boards, newsletters, a search engine, and so on.
To see a more focused list, use the filter fields provided. You can search by type of organization, type of features you'd like to find, or by textword. The textword utility searches all words in all displayed fields and returns all matches without prioritizing.
Any list may be easily printed out. Click the PRINT icon at the top of the page and generate your own catalog of web-based medical information. Not to be missed!

Merck Medicus

The Lancet/theheart.org present
Series with audio discussions, downloadable slides, and full text articles. In depth reviews by respected experts of clinical issues raised in recent Lancet articles.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides

Duke Cardiology Series 2000-2002 
This series of one-hour, internet-based, CME-accredited programs offers presentations by key thought leaders on controversial issues in cardiovascular medicine (latest developments in areas such as interventional cardiology, acute coronary syndromes, imaging, and the treatment of chronic coronary disease.) The Duke Cardiology Series 2000 remains a stimulating educational initiative designed to disseminate clinical information to practicing physicians and to promote the practice of evidence-based medicine.

Conference Summaries 2012 

JIM 2012

> Syllabus
> Expert Presentation
> Attendants Cases Presentation
> Selected live cases
> Follow-up of Live cases


ACC Clinical Statements / Guidelines
Searchable access to many guideline documents, consensus statements, training and competence statements, clinical alerts, and so on. Excellent links to NCDR (patient registry). This section has been revised and now offers access to a pocket version and software for downloading to your palm pilot.
Access: No registration required
Features: news, treatment guidelines/algorithms, internal search engine

ACC/AHA 2002 guideline update for the management of patients with chronic stable angina-summary article - a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines (Committee on the Management of Patients With Chronic Stable Angina)
Committee Members, R.J. Gibbons, J. Abrams, K. Chatterjee, J. Daley, P.C. Deedwania, J.S. Douglas, T.B. Ferguson, S.D. Fihn, T.D. Fraker, J.M. Gardin, R.A. O'Rourke, R.C. Pasternak, S.V. Williams, Task Force Members, R.J. Gibbons, J.S. Alpert, E.M. Antman, L.F. Hiratzka, V. Fuster, D.P. Faxon, G. Gregoratos, A.K. Jacobs, S.C. Smith
J Am Coll Cardiol 2003;41:159-168
Full text via ScienceDirect :

ESC Guidelines

National Guidelines Clearinghouse
A public resource for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.





























ACC Current Journal Review
Access: No registration required

American Heart Journal

A free electronic version of the print journal dating back to May of 1997. The purpose of AHJ is to provide the reader with primary investigation, scholarly review, and opinion concerning the practice of cardiovascular medicine and to emphasize the economics of medical care and the organization of the cardiovascular practice. Access: Registration required Free selected 

American Journal of Cardiology
Major journal published several times per month. 
Access: No registration required
Features: email to users

Annals of Emergency Medicine
Monthly journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians. Table of contents available on this site. Paid online subscriptions with full-text articles are available at www1.mosby.com. Abstracts are free.
Access: No registration required

Annals of Internal Medicine
Twice-monthly journal of the American College of Physicians and American Society of Internal Medicine. Highly regarded. Featured articles are published in full text online, but in printer-unfriendly format. One-paragraph summaries of other articles. Print subscription is US $119 per year, online subscription is via the Ovid system.
Access: No registration required

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology
An American Heart Association journal. Excellent free online presentation, with full texts and abstracts available for all material, and easy links to Medline. Highly useful.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles

Published monthly by the European Atherosclerosis Society. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required
Features: email to users

British Medical Journal
This site contains the full text of all articles published in the weekly BMJ from January 1995 onwards, plus materials unique to the website. Access to the entire site is free. Table of contents available via email. Friendly versions for printers and citation manager programs, lots of links. As good as it gets.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, email to users

Canadian Journal of Cardiology 
Site offers tables of contents and abstracts, in English and in French, from this monthly journal published by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society and the Pulsus Group. Efficient searching of abstracts is available to all users and online full text (in PDF) to subscribers.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Cardiology Today -- Current Issue

Largest cardiology site on the web for clinical materials. An Elsevier flagship, featuring 12 major journals with abstracts, full text, and PDF formats. Superb database of clinical trials in cardiology, a unique collection of proceedings abstracts, and the Heart Surgery Forum discussion group as HTML pages.
Access: Registration with fee
Features: discussion forum, large on-line medical database, lists of trials, news

Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology
Journal of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE). Abstracts available free online, full PDF texts to print subscribers only (one-week free trial is possible). Site is very slow, and the Springer-Verlag subscription process is very laborious. The same search engine searches all Springer journals.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Cardiovascular Pathology
Official Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Pathology. No online searching or abstracting provided, but tables of contants and author names may be browsed.
Access: No registration required

Cardiovascular Research
The Journal of the European Society of Cardiology. Searching and abstracts available online. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (CCI)

Cath lab Digest
A product, news and clinical update for the cardiac catheterization specialist.
Access: No registration required
Features: Free Full text Articles, News, Educational corner

http://www.medscape.com/ACCP/chest/public/chest-journal.html Free selected articles
Journal of the American College of Chest Physicians. Site provides searching and abstracts free of charge, links to other ACCP journals, and subsciption information. Electronic text not available.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine. Free selected Full Text articles at www.medscape.com 

AHA journal site. Searching and abstracts available online, full text requires a paid subscription. Subject browsing available by browsing category headings.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Circulation Research
A journal of the American Heart Association. Searching and abstracts available online, full text requires a paid subscription. Subject browsing under construction.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Clinical Cardiology - Peer Reviewed Journal

Current Opinion in Cardiology
An online general cardiology journal published in association with BioMedNet. Last online issue is dated November 1997. Searching and abstracts are offered without charge, full text requires a paid subscription.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

CVI - Online

European Heart Journal
Journal of the European Society of Cardiology. Searching and abstracts available free, full text online is available in IDEAL, Academic Press' online journal library.
Access: No registration required

Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine 
Concise and easy to read journal aims to help clinicians to combine the best external evidence from systematic research with individual clinical expertise to make effective decisions about patient treatment and care. For each issue key articles are selected from the literature and reviewed in the form of a structured abstract and expert commentary. Searching and abstracts availble free, full text online will soon be available in IDEAL, Academic Press's online journal library.
Access: No registration required

Free Medical Journals Site (The) 
An AMADEO site dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet. Titles available include: American Family Physician, Anesthesiology, Annals of Internal Medicine, Annals of Saudi Medicine, British Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Cardiology Today, Chronic Diseases in Canada, Current opinion in cardiology, DiabetologNytt (Swedish), European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, General Medicine, JAMA, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Medical Journal of Australia. Searchable by specialty and language. Also has a journal database giving statistics on readership impact. Well done!
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, indexed links

Browsing, searching and abstracts are free, full text requires a subscription. Has a useful search tips section. Free online sample is available to view.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

HeartBeat -- Bulletin of the WORLD HEART Federation
A quarterly journal of the International Society and Federation of Cardiology dating back to August of 1996. The Scientific Council's activities include: Cardiac rehabilitation in Asia, Symposium on congenital heart disease, and Epidemiology & Prevention. Other articles in a recent issue include Localization and Production of AII in the Heart and Right Bundle Branch Block.

Searchable electronic cardiology journal. Also offers an online discussion forum and meeting lists. Access requires registration, which is free. Includes a "Pulse Generator Database" with specifications on over 1160 pacer models.
Access: Free with registration
Features: cme, discussion forum, internal search engine

A peer reviewed online journal for physicians. Comprised of review articles in English and German providing up-to-date and comprehensive information concerning relevant aspects of the speciality topic of each issue. Published by the German Federation of Cardiologists in Private Practice. Tables of contents easily browsable, no keyword, subject or author search.
Access: No registration required

HighWire Press
Links to listed journals and provides free access to full-text articles, with internal search.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

International Cardiology Abstracts 
A free, online journal of cardiology abstracts prepared by a retired McGill University cardiologist and professor. Tables of contents of past issues include titles and short summaries of topics, for browsing.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles

International Journal of Cardiology
Table of contents searchable by author and by keyword category. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required

International Journal of Cardiovascular Interventions
Peer-reviewed quarterly journal launched in 1998, covering new developments in interventional cardiology. Online edition and free journal search available, subscription requires paying a fee.
Access: No registration required

Italian Heart Journal

Journal of Endovascular Surgery 
Official publication of the International Society for Endovascular Surgery (ISES), with an international, multidisciplinary scope. Abstracts and author/subjects index are available online free, print copy requires a paid subscription or fee per back issue, full text online not available.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Journal of Endovascular Therapy

Journal of Interventional Cardiology
Official Journal of the International Society of Cardiovascular Interventionists (ISCI). Print journal, available by paid subscription. Table of contents may be browsed online, but online abstracts and searching from within the website are not provided.
Access: No registration required

Journal of Invasive Cardiology
Provide articles in one, focused, definitive source for cardiologists, surgeons and radiologists to keep up-to-date on advancements in this rapidly changing field.
Access: Registration required
Features: Free selected Full Text articles

Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Browsing, searching, abstracts and internally indexed full text are all free. Links to other ACC sites and other cardiology journals. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required
Features: internal search engine

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Searching, browsing and abstracts are free. Many online full text articles available.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Free access to searching, browsing and abstracts. Access to full-text articles is via paid subscription or pay-per-article.
Access: No registration required

Journal of Vascular Research
Free table of contents, browsing and searching. A few electronic supplements are free, but most online text requires a paid subscription. This journal is also available via the BioMedNet site in a more visually pleasing format.
Access: No registration required

Journal Watch - Cardiology
Digest of major cardiology journals, published by the Massachusetts Medical Society. Links to Medline and NEJM.
Access: No registration required

Table of contents of current and back issues may be searched and browsed free. Available online in a more visually pleasing format at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required

New England Journal of Medicine 
Searchable table of contents and abstracts are available to all users; full text online requires a subscription.
Access: No registration required

Online Journal of Cardiology 
A nonprofit, peer-reviewed, free online journal published from McGill University. Includes review articles, case reports, editorials, images, online tutorials with video clips, peer reviewed articles. Partially driven by patients' heart-related questions.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, job postings, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, news

Remedica - Intervention on line
Intervention on-line. Intervention (previously Interventional Radiology Monitor). In the last few volumes, have been published articles on a broad range of topics, all of which are provided on-line - please follow the Leading Articles link. Forthcoming issues will include articles on: 
1) the role of GPIIb/IIIa antagonists in PVD 
2) day case interventional procedures 
3) upper limb ischaemia 
Access: Free. Registration required

Remedica - Intravascular Imaging 
Intravascular Imaging is designed as a guide to the now extensive but often dispersed literature on intravascular imaging available to interventional physicians. Each issue features regular review articles on intravascular imaging techniques and summarize breaking news at the major international cardiology meetings.  Section on intravascular ultrasound, coronary flow and pressure, angioscopy, and coronary arteriography. 
Access: Free. Registration required

Remedica - Carotid Interventions 
This web site (and its accompanying journal) has been developed to provide a guide to developments in the rapidly expanding field of carotid intervention. Contents: up-to-date review articles on important topics by opinion leaders from around the world meetings and symposia reports giving you rapid access to the key findings presented at the key international meetings and congresses a calendar of forthcoming meetings (to which you can add details of your own meetings). 
Access: Free. Registration required

Remedica - Stent 
This web site (and its accompanying journal) has been developed to provide a guide to developments in the rapidly expanding field of coronary stenting. Contents: up-to-date review articles on important topics by opinion leaders from around the world. The Portfolio section comprising case reports accompanied by detailed discussion and analysis meetings and symposia reports.
Access: Free. Registration required

Remedica - Vascular Radiotherapy Monitor 
This web site (and its accompanying journal) has been developed to provide a guide to developments in the rapidly expanding field of vascular radiotherapy. Contents: reviews on world scientific literature for significant and important articles on vascular radiotherapy. 
Access: Free. Registration required 

Remedica - ACS Online 
Access: Free. Registration required

Seminars in Interventional Cardiology 
A topical, research-based review journal reporting on biological challenges, technical innovations, and advances in clinical applications advancing the development of interventional cardiology. In addition, the journal interprets trends in treatments/techniques and their impact on hospital administration. Searching and abstracts are free, full text online is not available.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information

Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Thieme Medical Publishers
Access: Free. registration required
Features: free full text articles

An American Heart Association (AAHA)journal. Access to one full text article can be obtained for 24 hours for $5.00.
Access: No registration required

Thrombosis Research 
Bimonthly journal disseminating original research on thrombosis, hemostasis, and fibrinolysis. Table of contents available by email. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Reference lists include fast hyperlinks to Medline abstracts of the cited articles.
Access: No registration required

Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine
Monthly print journal providing reviews on the application of genetic and molecular advances to the development of new prognostic, diagnostic, and therapeutic strategies for heart and vascular diseases. Available online at Cardiosource, with a choice of "summary plus", full text, and PDF formats. Table of contents available by email.
Access: No registration required


Free  Journals

The Free Medical Journals Site
Site dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet. Titles available include: American Family Physician, Anesthesiology, Annals of Internal Medicine, Annals of Saudi Medicine, British Medical Journal, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Cardiology Today, Chronic Diseases in Canada, Current opinion in cardiology, DiabetologNytt (Swedish), European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, General Medicine, JAMA, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Medical Journal of Australia. Searchable by specialty and language. Also has a journal database giving statistics on readership impact. Well done!
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, indexed links

PubMed Central
NLM's free and unrestricted online archive of journal articles. Links to full-text in PubMed Central are available from PubMed citations.


Clinical Trials 

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials

Manual of Interventional Trials
Access: Registration required

CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service
Site offered by the Medical Economics Company, publisher of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology newsletter CenterWatch. The section for industry and professionals includes news, employment opportunities, a database of research centers searchable by therapeutic area and geographic location, and profiles of organizations offering research services. Also has a section for patients about clinical trials, new FDA approvals, and participation in clinical trials. An outstanding resource for clinical research information.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, job postings, lists of trials, news, research opportunities

Clinical Trials in Cardiology
An alphabetically classified list of cardiology clinical trials, maintained by a physician from the University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey. Current through 1999, gives some bibliographic references.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials

NIH database of 4000+ clinical trials with mission of "linking patients to research". Lists all NIH and some other trials by disease category, name, and sponsor.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, patient education

Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine
Online journal edited by Curt Furberg and Bertram Pitt "offers continuous publication of commentaries, reviews and trial papers, as well as systematic reports and abstracts of cardiovascular trials published throughout the literature". Actively solicits contributors and reviewers. Innovative, dynamic internet journalism - bravo.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles



American College of Cardiology (ACC)
Home site of the American College of Cardiology, packed with high-quality information for both specialists and non-specialists. Comprehensive, relatively easy to navigate, and most pages recently updated. News summaries. Important guidelines section with full text in PDF format of many guideline documents, consensus statements, training and competence statements, clinical alerts, and so on. Also features the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (ACC-NCDR) TM. Premier cardiology site on the web for professional issues. Highly recommended. Selected parts are available to ACC members only.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, ethics/legal/management information, free full text articles, job postings, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, audio/video clips, news, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms, internal search engine

American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP)
Home of the American College of Chest Physicians. Excellent services for members, including CME, treatment guidelines, publications, job openings, even tapes of past ACCP meetings (!). Caution: not all items are up-to-date. An excellent and unusual list of links on end-of-life issues. Recommended overall.
Access: No registration required
Features: discussion forum, free full text articles, lists of meetings, lists of trials, audio/video clips, news, treatment guidelines/algorithms, email to users, indexed links, internal search engine

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
HAs a section form members only, including online access to The Annals of Emergency Medicine. Many useful downloadable resources available.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, ethics/legal/management information, lists of meetings, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms

American College of Physicians - American Society of Internal Medicine (ACP - ASIP)
Website offers extensive resources for education, ethics, career and other member services, and a link to the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, discussion forum, ethics/legal/management information, job postings, lists of meetings, news, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms, email to users, indexed links, internal search engine

American College of Radiology (ACR)
Most sections are for members only (committess, commissions, ACR bulletin, resource guide, membership directory). ACR publications and educational products are for sale.
Access: No registration required
Features: job postings

American Heart Association (AHA)
A massive site for both AHA members and the general public. Especially strong on patient education, perhaps the best mainstream source on the Web. Complete information on upcoming scientific sessions for MDs, together with reseach programs and how to obtain grants. A wealth of publications, guidelines, and statistics available online. Highly recommended for both its public and professional faces.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, ethics/legal/management information, free full text articles, job postings, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, news, patient education, research opportunities, treatment guidelines/algorithms, indexed links, internal search engine

American Medical Association (AMA)
Huge site of physician and patient information, with site map and search engine. Particularly strong on membership, legal, institutional, training, and practice questions. Its "doctor finder" and "hospital finder" searches are probably the best anywhere. Authoritative.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, free full text articles, job postings, large on-line medical database, news, patient education, research opportunities, treatment guidelines/algorithms, indexed links, internal search engine

American Stroke Association (ASA)
A division of the American Heart Association (AHA). News by Reuters, statistics (integrated with AHA's).
Access: No registration required
Features: news, patient education, research opportunities, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Argentine Federation of Cardiology / Federacion Argentina de Cardiologia
English and Spanish language site. Federation of regional cardiology societies, with a full range of committees. Conducts virtual internet congresses (next one Nov 2001). Full-text of the Journal of the Argentine Federation of Cardiology and abstracts from Congresses of the FAC online.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, lists of meetings

Brazilian Society of Cardiology / Sociedade Brazileiria de Cardiología
Large Portuguese-language site. Contains extensive information for patients, online EKGs, email and home page services for members, selected abstracts highlights, chat and discussion forums, and regional chapter information.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, discussion forum, formal education, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education, research opportunities, treatment guidelines/algorithms, email to users, internal search engine

Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology (CAIC)
Member services for the CAIC. Open to others with free registration. Clinical news, meetings, trials, web links, and special materials on reperfusion, revascularization, and restenosis. Most are also found at www.intervent.org.
Access: Free with registration
Features: discussion forum, job postings, lists of meetings, lists of trials, news

Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR)
Bilingual French and English site, with a 4-star rating by Healthnet Canada for its content and design. The guidelines section is especially useful.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS)
Member services for the CCS, including clinical information, "CCS Online", meetings, slide shows, news by Heartwire, and a nice list of links.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides

Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
Bilingual English and French site includes a searchable database of clinical practice guidelines produced or endorsed in Canada and many other resources for physicians. Online free full text from several journals available, including the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) and Canadian Journal of Surgery (CJS). Disussion forum for physicians.
Access: No registration required
Features: discussion forum, free full text articles, lists of meetings, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE)
Combines the former European College of Angiography (ECA) and European Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (ESCVIR). Includes the Foundation for Interventional Research and Education (FIRE). Some sections restricted to members only. A patient information section is in development.
Access: No registration required
European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Excellent site covering the work of the Society, including its publications and the Euro Heart Survey. The "Scientific and clinical information" section is particularly strong. Full info on XXII Congress in Amsterdam, August 2000. Site navigation is innovative, very attractive, and fast. A pleasure to visit. Includes subsections on ESC Task Forces and Working Groups.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, case studies, lists of meetings, news, treatment guidelines/algorithms, internal search engine

European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB)
Society aims to support educational activities and research. Organizes basic and advanced courses in MRI. Membership directory accessible to members only. Links to the journal Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA).
Access: No registration required
Features: formal education, lists of meetings

International Atherosclerosis Society (IAS)
Site offers applications for the IAS Fellowship program, an oline (PDF)newsletter and links to Atherosclerosis.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings, news

Italian Association of Hospital Cardiologists / Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO)
Bilingual Italian - English site of this Italian federation of regional cardiologists' associations. Members listed by region. Searching and abstracts in English and Italian of the "Italian Journal of Cardiology". Many Itlalian-language course listings.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings, treatment guidelines/algorithms

ISCAT (International Society of Carotid Artery Therapy)
The International Society of Carotid Artery Therapy (ISCAT), was founded in January 1998. A group of world renowned interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists and vascular surgeons concluded that an organization was needed especially to promote education and standards in the field of carotid artery therapy..... by Michel Henry, MD
Access: Registration with fee

Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society (PVSS)
Website of a "national forum for young peripheral vascular surgeons specifically trained in the diagnosis, non-operative and operative management of peripheral vascular disorders"
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, discussion forum, lists of meetings

Website of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Navigation is a bit disorganized, but offers lot of solid educational material including case studies with images, interactive quizzes, online radiology journals with full text form certain issues, the RSNA index to medical imaging literature, and many external links (the "launch pad").
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education, internal search engine

Sociedad Latino Americana de Cardiología Intervencionista (SOLACI)
Spanish language site for interventional cardiology. Includes member lists for each of 20 Latin American member countries and a decent list of links, but not much else. Sponsored by Cordis.
Access: No registration required

Società Italiana di Cardiologia Invasiva (GISE)
Italian language site for interventional cardiology. 

Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions (SCAI)
Fee based society (non US/Canada members and affilliates pay higher fees). Full text of SCA&I News available online to all visitors. The SCAI Registry collects and provides benchmarking data for cardiovascular invasive and interventional procedures. The SCAI Laboratory Survey Committee provides comprehensive, candid reviews of the catheterization laboratory and/or interventional programs.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, free full text articles

Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
Site has a bulleting board, list of the society's and other meetings, and a link to the Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. Educational resources include case studies and a magnetic resonance atlas, with more planned.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, news

Society for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR)
Promotes cooperation among engineers and those involved in practical applications of computer technology in radiology. Offers a series of courses (SCAR University) held during society meetings. Promotes adoption of Picture Archiving and Communications Systems (PACS) technology and applications. SCAR members receive the Journal of Digital Imaging and have access to an expert hotline. Full text of SCAR news available online to all visitors. Other SCAR publications for sale.
Access: No registration required
Features: formal education, free full text articles, lists of meetings, news

Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology (SCVIR)
The SCVIR is a "professional society for physicians who specialize in interventional or minimally invasive procedures." Provides information about research grants, educational materials, the SCVIR database, a fellowship directory, and various services associated with HI-IQ, a computerized patient and resource management system designed for SCVIR members. Educational material for sale. Good consumer/patient section. "Case club" and discussion board for members of the SCVIR.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, discussion forum, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Society of Invasive Cardiovascular Professionals (SICP)
An organization for cardiac catheterization laboratory professionals. Site provides the SICP newsletter, information about conferences, standards for lab accreditation and education, links to invasive cardiology journals, and information on SICP positions on regulatory, ethical and employment issues.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings, internal search engine

Spanish Society of Cardiology / Sociedad española de Cardiogía (SEC)
Very comprehensive and attractive site offers numerous Spanish language and other resources to cardiologists. Some sections require registration and membership in the Spanish Society of Cardiology. Provides online full-text from the Revista Española de Cardiologia, a Spanish-language review journal; links to Spanish language and other resources; detailed summaries of clinical trials results; information about research grants available; information and bulletins of the Fundación Española del Corazón and much more.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, free full text articles, job postings, lists of meetings, lists of trials, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education, research opportunities, treatment guidelines/algorithms


Institutes & Research Centers 

Angiogenesis Research Center (ARC)
Program of Harvard University Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconness Medical School "designed to discover and understand the basic mechanisms underlying blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) in the heart and to develop new therapies for treatment and prevention of ischemic heart disease". Bibligoraphies, descriptions of research underway, descriptions of patents, trial enrollment information for patients and referrals for MDs. An imaging section is in development.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, patient education, research opportunities

Arizona Heart Institute Foundation
Lists physicians by location, online newsletter.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings, news, patient education

Cleveland Clinic - Heart Center
Provides information on cardiology research and treatment activities at the Cleveland Clinic. Includes an excellent educational section on Echocardiography.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, case studies, formal education, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Searchable database of FDA publications, hearings, meetings, calendar of events, and policies. The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) has useful sections on many aspects of drug development and review and an acronym list. There is also a section on bioengineered foods. Information is available for a wide range of audience categories.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, patient education, research opportunities, internal search engine

Midwest Institute for Interventional Therapy (MIIT)
Site lists ongoing research projects and educational projects. Basic organization of site is not easy to grasp, but you can locate a number of interesting slide and text presentations (apparently from past MIIT conferences) via key word search.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, free full text articles, lists of trials, medical images/drawings/slides, internal search engine

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
Provides information about the research and educational activities of the NHLBI, a part of the US Federal Government's National Institutes of Health. Linked to the NIH home page. Provides full text of numerous publications. Interesting subsites include the new Guide to Lowering Blood Pressure, with separate sections for health professionals, media, consumers, and community organizers; the Cholesterol interactive site for consumers, and the NHLBI CLinical Trials Database.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, patient education

National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
Includes the calendar of NIH events, press releases, special reports, and employment information, information on grant applications and NIH research training and contracts, and news on NIH labs, groups, journals, a centralized trials registry for patients (www.clinicaltrials.gov), patient information, and other resources. Linked to the National Library of Medicine.
Access: No registration required
Features: job postings, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, lists of trials, patient education, research opportunities, internal search engine

Stanford Interventional Cardiology
Provides an overview of treatments offered and clinical trials underway in several disease and therapeutic categories at Stanford University Medical Center's Interventional Cardiology department, as well as a small product listing.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, patient education

UCSF Division of Cardiology, Research Activities
Guides users to various sections of UCSF's research and educations sites including interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, experimental fluoroscopy, and intravascular ultrasound. Has a medical fellows matching program.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, medical images/drawings/slides, research opportunities

World Health Organization (WHO)
Easily searchable website of this important international organization devoted to promoting global health. Lists and describes WHO publications, including several clinical guidelines pertaining to cardiology.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database, treatment guidelines/algorithms, internal search engine



TCTMD - Preparing for the Boards?
Angioplasty Links Page
This page contains links to WebSite which will be of interest to those who wish to be informed about Angioplasty. 
Access: No registration required
Features: images, newsgroups, links which can be used to acquire information about angioplasty. Most sites have additional links to other sites generating an enormous amount of information. 

Cyberounds® Conferences
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Topics: Cardiovascular Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Geriatrics Health, Law, Hematology, Laboratory Medicine, Medical Genetics, Nephrology Nutrition, Psychiatry, Pulmonary Medicine, Rheumatology, Women's Health, Special Features)

Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME)
"The ACCME fulfills its mission through a voluntary self-regulated system for accrediting CME providers and a peer-review process responsive to changes in medical education and the health care delivery system." Numeous documents about accreditation standards and policy are available online, as well as a list of accredited CME providers.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, free full text articles, lists of meetings

Acute Stroke Toolbox
An excellent NIH site associated with the Brain Attack Coalition. Easily accessible, useful information including stroke assessment scales, guidelines, sample standing orders, care pathways, and a good set of links for public information.
Access: No registration required
Features: treatment guidelines/algorithms

Cardiology Today (Korea)
From this site Se-Il Oh's Coronary Angiography (CAG) Education Program may be downloaded. The other parts of site either link to the American Heart Association pages, or are in Korean.
Access: No registration required

Case Studies of Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection
Site gives patient histories and MPEG movies of a number of aortic aneurysm scenarios. Provided by the Division of Physiologic Imaging, Deptartment of Radiology, University of Iowa.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, medical images/drawings/slides
CyberPatient Simulator
Simulations of acute patient care situations, mostly advanced cardiac life support, in an interactive format.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies

In-Hospital Defibrillation
Managed by a Masters' level nurse, this useful educational site provides debate on issues surrounding policies and procedures for defibrillation in hospitals, a few full-text articles, a structured discussion forum, and a select list of related links.
Access: No registration required
Features: discussion forum, free full text articles

Gold standard multimedia
Impressive medical resources site. Its drug database offers many excellent features including investigational drugs and patient education in English and Spanish. Illustrated didactic educational material, some with CME accreditation, available on its "integrated medical curriculum" section. Seeks input for Virtual Human Gallery project scheduled for launch in autumn 2000.
Access: Free with registration
Features: cme, formal education, large on-line medical database, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education, internal search engine

Cardiology & Medicine Sites 

The latest internationally-focused news in CV medicine. Peer-reviewed articles. Online Resources for healthcare professionals. Information for patients. Comprehensive links to other CV resources on the Internets.
Access: Free with registration
Features: discussion forum, lists of meetings, lists of trials, news

BioMed Central
"BioMed Central publishes peer reviewed research across all areas of biology and medicine, with immediate, barrier-free access for all." For numerous specialties. Manuscripts welcome. Sponsored by a number of biotechnology and genomics companies.
Access: Free with registration
Features: free full text articles, large on-line medical database, news, research opportunities, internal search engine

BioMedNet is as good as it gets in biomolecular and genetics research sites, although it has cut back on originally authored papers in its online journal, HMS Beagle. Excellence in databases: superb Medline search with save and autolinking features, member list, 3 technical molecular structure databases, indexed and evaluated list of links, catalog of best biomedical online discussion groups, and a huge list of research journals with tables of contents and free abstracts. Elegantly laid out; highest recommendation.
Access: Free with registration
Features: discussion forum, free full text articles, job postings, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, news, research opportunities, indexed links

Educational site sponsored by GE Medical Systems aiming to create a web community among professionals who use cardiovascular medical devices. Includes reviews of journal articles, upcoming meetings pertaining to medical devices, regulatory information, technical information, and educational material on GE products.
Access: Free with registration
Features: discussion forum, ethics/legal/management information, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, news, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Cardiology Compass
A guide for navigation to cardiovascular information resources on the Internet. A remarkable range of links is provided, particularly strong on teaching resources offered online by university departments.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database

Angioplasty PTCA Home Page
Provides support to patients interested in PTCA, offering news, interviews, a discussion forum, and a patients' guide to interventional devices and procedures. Also lists interventional cardiology meetings and links to journals, newsgroups, organizations and other cardiology resources; offers short educational video clips.
Access: No registration required
Features: discussion forum, lists of meetings, audio/video clips, news, patient education, indexed links

Website apparently associated with Stanford University and sponsored by Accumed. News by abcnews, links to Current Cardiology Reports and to selected journal articles. A lot of information about medical devices. A number of educational slide shows with downloadable slides. Student internships available. This group is developing a number of Windows CE palmtop applications for cardiologists including entry and reporting of patient data and test results, and access to knowledge prompts and guidelines via Mobile Channel Technology.
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides, news

News by Carden Jennings Publishing Co. Full text of a few journals including Heart Surgery Forum. A few pediatric cardiology images. Authors are invited to submit materials (including case studies) to Cardiologyline's Educational Toolbox. "Product center" in development. Links organized by type.
Access: No registration required
Features: free full text articles, job postings, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, news, internal search engine

CARDIOnet is a bilingual English and Croatian language international clearinghouse of cardiology information, Headquartered in Zagreb. A number of lists are available, most notably meetings and its own members. It has published online several sets of treatment guidelines from European sources.
Access: Free with registration
Features: large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Cardiovascular Radiation Therapy
Educational site for the use of vascular brachytherapy radiation techniques to prevent reclosure of arteries following vascular intervention; disseminates knowledge and encourages multidisciplinary collaboration. Funded by the Cardiovascular Brachytherapy Institute at the Washington Hospital Center. Site offers occasional clinical news, abstracts from presentations at conferences, key technical information on radiation physics and radiation biology, industry news, and several educational programs.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Centre for Research in Vascular Biology
Site operated by this center in the Department of Anatomical Sciences at the University of Queensland. Nice schematic images of the etiology of atherosclerosis, and color photos (unfortunately, not labelled).
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides

Chest Pain Perspectives
Provides limited information on the Dade Behring Inc's diagnostic systems for cardiac biomarkers including troponin-I, myoglobin, and CK-MB; lists bibligraphies on literature about these markers; and invites the user to request more information.
Access: No registration required

Affiliated with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Free registration provides access to schedule of interactive conferences and referenced transcripts of past conferences, as well as a structured multitopic discussion forum. Also has a bookstore and employment postings.
Access: Free with registration
Features: cme, discussion forum, job postings, lists of meetings, audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, email to users

Doctor's Guide to the Internet, Professional Edition
One of the first medical resources on the internet, with searchable news and meeting databases, a large, well organized list of links, a bookstore, and more.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, news, internal search engine

Site with a lot of cardiovascalar and stroke information. Confusingly organized but has some good content, some of it via links. Trial results summaries. A-Z section is a kind of glossary.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database, lists of trials, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Emed Teaching files from Vanderbilt University
From Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee. Many photographs, images, and other teaching aids.
Access: No registration required

Emergency Medicine Bulletin Board System (EMBBS) Emergency Medicine and Primary Care
Educational site for primary care and emergency physicians with numerous images and some case studies in the form of patient simulators.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, job postings, medical images/drawings/slides

EUROCAST Registry Online for Carotid Stenting 
Similar to what has been so successfully created for endovascular treatment of AAA, namely the EUROSTAR registry, the EUROCAST is an European registry on carotid interventions. The companies Cordis and BARD have recognised this need and have generously provided funding to set up such a registry.

Global Cardiology Network
Provides links to journals, treatment guidelines, CME, meetings and conferences, and research grants and applications offered by the member organizations, notably the ACC, AHA, and ESC.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, lists of meetings, treatment guidelines/algorithms, internal search engine

Internet Drug Index
Searchable drug database, with "fuzzy" search capability of both generic and brand names.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database, internal search engine

Invasive Cardiology Database - Austria
Principally in German. Website of the Working Group Interventional Cardiology, a subgroup of the Austrian Society of Cardiology. Non-members can access statistics pertaining to interventional cardiology and notices of meetings taking place in Austria and Germany. Members can access articles, a discussion forum and the group's database.
Access: No registration required
Features: discussion forum, free full text articles, lists of meetings

Invasive Interventionelle Kardiologie (IIK) Osterreich
Mixed Austrian and English language website for Austrian interventional cardiologists. Gives addresses and phone numbers of centers for PTCA and pediatric cardiolgy, a list meetings, audit information, and news for interns.
Access: No registration required
Features: ethics/legal/management information, lists of meetings

Martindale's Health Science Guide
HUGE SITE containing links to dictionaries and glossaries, metabolic pathways and genetic maps, online journals, numerous courses, information about drug development, toxicology, regulatory information, industry news, and much, much more. Includes many specialists' centers.
Access: No registration required
Features: large on-line medical database

Medmark, Cardiology section
Extensive, searchable list of links grouped into categories.
Access: No registration required
Features: indexed links

Physician's Guide to the Internet
Large, well-developed general medical site offering many links and services to physician of all specialties.
Access: No registration required
Features: cme, job postings, large on-line medical database, lists of meetings, news, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms

Physicians' Press
A website, interesting for interventional cardiologists.
Access: No registration required
Features: Self-Assessment, lists of meetings, Bookstore

Offers a website and CD-ROM subscription providing information in most of internal medicine including adult primary care and general internal medicine, cardiovascular medicine, gastroenterology and hepatology, rheumatology, and many others. Produced in cooperation with several US societies: Society of General Internal Medicine, The Endocrine Society, the American Gastroenterological Association, the American College of Rheumatology, the American Thoracic Society, and American Society of Nephrology. Mainly text features with many hyperlinks cross-referencing the content and linking to extensive graphics, Medline abstracts and drug information. CME is available only with the CD-ROM version.
Access: Registration with fee
Features: cme, medical images/drawings/slides, internal search engine

Virtual Cardiac Cath Lab
Fairly comprehensive, lengthy, interactive explanation of cardiac catheterization written in simple language with illustrations in color. Usable for patient education.
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides, patient education

Virtual Pharmacy Library
Access: No registration required
Features: This page includes an impresive  amout of Pharmacy Related (loosely defined) Internet Resources

Has separate sections for general users and MDs. The MD section provides links to journals and references, multimedia CME, and business services including insurance verification, referral eligibility, benefits management, and administrative support.
Access: Registration with fee
Features: cme, ethics/legal/management information, audio/video clips


Hemostasis and Thrombosis 

Thrombosis - consult.com
An American Health Consultants, Aventis-sponsored site with full length, illustrated original articles, guidelines for AMI, DVT, and unstable angina. More features apparently in development.
Access: No registration required
Features: treatment guidelines/algorithms

UCSF Hemostasis and Thrombosis Center
Useful information for clinicians includes practice guidelines, research in which the center is involved, and descriptions of medications.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, patient education, treatment guidelines/algorithms

UNC-CH Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis
Site posts proceedings, abstracts, and posters of recent symposia, and gives information about fellowships.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings, research opportunities

Center for Platelet Function Studies
An adjunct of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, "the Center for Platelet Function Studies is a multidisciplinary center dedicated to the study of platelet function by state-of-the-art methods. The Center undertakes both basic science and clinical research, including clinical trials of drugs, devices, and tests."
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials



MRI in Heart and Circulation
Site produced by a physician at the University of Toronto/Sunnybrook & Women's Health Sciences Centre. Explains basic concepts of magnetic resonance in some depth, and describes the team's work in MR oximetry, angiography, microcirculation studies, quantification of MR signal relaxation behaviour in vivo, and rapid imaging methods with feedback. More slides and images would further enhance this high-quality academic site.
Access: No registration required
Features: research opportunities

MRI Tutor
Describes many aspects of MRI in moderate detail and offeres case study teaching files. Cases are from the VA Medical Center, Gainesville, FL.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, medical images/drawings/slides

CT is us
CT is us is a web site created and maintained by The Advanced Medical Imaging Laboratory (AMIL). AMIL is a multidisciplinary team dedicated to research, education, and the advancement of patient care using medical imaging with a focus on spiral CT and 3D imaging. The AMIL is headed by Elliot K. Fishman, M.D., and includes several radiologists, a computer scientist, multimedia developer (Melissa Garland), and a medical illustrator (Frank Corl). The AMIL is part of the Department of Radiology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, MD.

Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR)
Founded in 1994, The Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) is an international organization dedicated to the education of physicians and allied health care providers in the application of magnetic resonance to the heart and circulation; to the promotion and dissemination of the understanding and appropriate use of techniques; and to the provision of a forum pursuant of clinical, research and other issues relevant to the field.

European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB)
Society aims to support educational activities and research. Organizes basic and advanced courses in MRI. Membership directory accessible to members only. Links to the journal Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA).
Access: No registration required
Features: formal education, lists of meetings



Anatomy Online Atlas
Very user-friendly site aimed at secondary school students, with animated diagrams and explanatory text. Plenty of material on the heart and circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, CNS, etc.
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides

The Heart: An Online Exploration
Part of the website of the Frankin Institute, a Philadelphia science museum. Continuing the tradition of the FI's fabulous walk-through model of the heart, provides interactive educational information about heart anatomy, physiology, health, and history of medicine. Links to many resources including support groups, fitness activities, and the American Heart Association.
Access: No registration required
Features: audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides, patient education

Visible Human Project
This project is compiling complete, anatomically detailed, 3-D representations of the human body. Currently collecting transverse CT, MRI, and cryosection images at one millimeter intervals of representative male and female cadavers. Numerous images and animations of human anatomy are already available. Excellent material but somewhat cumbersome to navigate.
Access: No registration required
Features: audio/video clips, medical images/drawings/slides

Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education
From the University of Utah, "over 1900 images along with text, tutorials, laboratory exercises, and examination items for self-assessment that demonstrate gross and microscopic pathologic findings associated with human disease conditions." Superb quality images. CD-ROM version also available.
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides

Discover the Heart, the Vascular System, their Diseases, and their Treatment
Educational site presented by a group of practitioners at the Texas Heart Institute. Suitable for a wide audience, very nicely illustrated.
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides, patient education


Free Electronic Books 

Merck Manual
Searchable online version. A valuable resource for basic information on many disease conditions.
Merck Manual - Cardiovascular disease
Access: No registration required
Features: medical images/drawings/slides, internal search engine

Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
This is an online version of the Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine edited by Eric J Topol, M.D. ©1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 
Electronic Statistics Textbook
BRILLIANT on-line statistics resource from StatSoft with glossary, images, hyperlinks, and internal searching. Subsection of a statistics services business.
Access: No registration required
Features: formal education, internal search engine

CHORUS - Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology
"CHORUS is based on Fact/File, a radiology hypertext reference that has been integrated with a clinical radiology information system (at the University of Chicago) since 1990. Fact/File has been used extensively, mostly by radiology residents who use it for quick review and for diagnostic decision support."
Access: No registration required

Management of Stroke: A Practical Guide for the Prevention, Evaluation and Treatment of Acute Stroke
Professional Communications, Inc.

Management of Lipids in Clinical Practice
Professional Communications, Inc.

Angina Pectoris: Management Strategies and Guide to Interventions
Professional Communications, Inc.



John C. Pezzullo's Home Page
Associate Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Biostatistics at Georgetown University, in Washington

Medical Dictionary 

On-Line Medical Dictionary
Free online medical dictionary.
Access: No registration required


Medical Meetings 

Notices of Upcoming Medical Meetings
Part of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) site; gives online posting of upcoming medical meetings. Searchable by location, month, subject, or combinations of these categories. Notices give mailing and/or email contacts, and web links when available.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of meetings



AB Medica

Advanced Medical Supplies


B Braun Biotech International



Biosense Webster

Blue Medical

Boston Scientific

COOK® Diagnostic & Interventional Products




Fox Hollow Technology

General Electric - Medical Systems Cardiology





www.invatec .it

Kensey Nash Corporation



Mediolanum Cardio Research

Nycomed Amersham 

N.G.C. Medical

Sorin Biomedica


Eli Lilly and Company

Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD)

Schering Plough


Vascular Closure Devices


Duett - Vascular Solutions



X-Press X-Site Medical 

Other Companies

Endicor (X-sizer)







Canadian Stroke Consortium (CSC)
"Through...expedited review of clinical trials and research projects, the CSC encourages alliances with pharmaceutical partners and other interested parties." Site lists participating physicians and companies, offers information about trials: the Spontaneous vs Traumatic Arterial Dissection (SPONTADS) study and the Canadian Activase for Stroke Effectiveness Study (CASES). Site also offes a case study competition and a free stroke poster. Access to full information in member's list requires registration.
Access: No registration required
Features: lists of trials, news, research opportunities

LipidHealth is the National Lipid Education Council's cholesterol-management resource for healthcare professionals. The overall goal of the NLEC is the dissemination and implementation of National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel - II (NCEP ATP-II) guidelines. The site offers timely information on atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease risk factors, and clinical trials involving lipid modification therapy. Power-point slides available. News from Reuters, NLEC newsletter, abstracts of current literature,
Access: Free with registration
Features: cme, case studies, lists of meetings, medical images/drawings/slides, news

Website belonging to organization of same name, devoted to transcatheter procedures carried out via the radial artery. Pages on the technique, publications, trials, cases, meetings, a small Forum section, and a products directory. A tightly focused single-issue site, and well put together.
Access: No registration required
Features: case studies, discussion forum, lists of meetings, lists of trials

This interactive site provides access to the latest clinical experience and information concerning the use of 5F guiding catheters. The site has an international panel of experienced and knowledgeable 5F users, who are available to discuss cases or answer questions.
Access: No registration required
Features: Tecchniques, cases, Tips & Tricks, Products, Refrences & Abstracts, Links